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Mirae Well Life simply and sincerely, wishes everyone well.


Quality Management System
Environmental Management System

At Mirae Well Life, we create eco-friendly toilet paper that wishes everyone well.

As one of Korea's leading toilet paper companies, Mirae Well Life puts product quality and environmental safety first by establishing, executing, maintaining, and developing an effective Quality Management System (QMS) and Environmental Management System (EMS). We want to give back to our community, and also protect the environment in doing so.

  • We’re QMS & EMS certified (ISO 9001 / 14001)

    We're focused on minimizing the environmental impact of our activities, products, and services, while simultaneously committed to improving product quality.

  • Always raising our standards

    We set and monitor specific goals and strategies across the stages of production, sales, distribution, consumption, and disposal, to improve product quality and ensure environmental protection.

  • Pollution prevention

    By reusing, recycling, reducing or replacing the use of major pollutants, we minimize waste, the release of hazardous substances, and energy consumption. We are also reducing the release of environmental pollutants by replacing and improving existing manufacturing processes.

  • Meeting customer expectations and adhering to environmental regulations

    We regularly gather and analyze data on customer demands and satisfaction, while adhering to environmental regulations and relevant guidelines. This helps us set up an internal manual for employees to follow through.

  • Dedicated to running a transparent business

    Educational sessions are regularly conducted for employees in order to highlight the importance of QMS & EMS. Corporate safety guidelines in relevance to these systems are released to the public to promote business transparency.

  • Putting safety first

    Safety comes first. Our first priority is employee health and safety, which motivates us to prevent anyone from being sick or harmed.

Mirae Well Life Co., Ltd. January 2nd, 2009

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